Questions - 1 to 49 of 49
As the owner of this business, how do you obtain health insurance coverage for yourself? Do you obtain it:?
Are your dependents covered by health insurance the same way you are, a different way, are they not covered, OR don’t you have any dependents?
Does your business offer a Flexible Spending Account that allows employees to set aside wages or salary to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-sheltered dollars?
Does your business offer a Medical Savings Account that provides catastrophic health insurance coverage and a tax-sheltered health spending account?
Does your business offer reimbursement to employees for some or all of the premiums of health insurance they purchase on their own?
Does your firm offer health insurance coverage to any of your employees?
(reason owner has outside insurance) Insurance is less expensive from another source.
(reason owner has outside insurance) You prefer a plan with different coverage than that offered to your employees.
(reason owner has outside insurance) A particular health condition makes another plan preferable.
(reason to offer) It helps employee recruitment.
(reason to offer) Health insurance is not considered taxable income for employees.
(reason to offer) Employees expect or demand it.
(reason to offer) It increases employee productivity by keeping them healthy.
(reason to offer) It decreases turnover.
(reason to offer) One or more employees or their dependents have medical problems.
(reason to offer) Competitors offer it.
(reason to offer) It’s the right thing to do.
(reason to offer) A good way for the owner and dependents to obtain coverage.
Do you offer more than one kind of health insurance plan such as an HMO, PPO, and traditional coverage?
Does your business offer traditional insurance where your employees can pick any doctor they want and typically pay the same, fixed percentage of the bill?
Does your business offer a PPO or Preferred Provider Organization which is like traditional insurance, but your employees pay less if they use doctors on the plan's approved list?
Does your business offer an HMO or Health Maintenance Organization in which your employees must obtain medical care from a specific doctor or doctors or else none of their costs are covered?
Does your business offer a POS or Point of Service Plan which is like an HMO, but allows employees to seek care without a referral from their primary care doctor at an additional cost?
Does your business offer another type of medical insurance plan?
There are several different kinds of health plans. Please indicate which ONE of the following your business currently offers its employees. Does your business offer:?
What is the per employee total monthly cost of your firm’s health insurance coverage for single coverage?
What percentage of this cost of single coverage is paid by employees out-of-pocket?
To ensure employees participate.
To give employees tax-advantage compensation.
To offer a competitive health insurance program?
Including both the employer and employee contributions, what is the per employee total monthly cost of your firm’s health insurance coverage for family coverage?
What percentage of this cost of family coverage is paid by employees out-of-pocket?
What percentage of your employees, who are eligible to participate in your health insurance plan, actually participate?
Does your insurer require that a minimum percentage of eligible employees obtain health insurance through your business?
Does your insurer require that eligible employees who do not wish to participate in your health plan or plans demonstrate that they have coverage elsewhere?
(reason NOT to offer) Employees prefer wages and/or other benefits.
(reason NOT to offer) Employees have coverage elsewhere.
(reason NOT to offer) Owner has coverage elsewhere.
(reason NOT to offer) A large portion of employees are part-time, seasonal, or turnover is too high.
(reason NOT to offer) Revenue is too uncertain to commit to a plan.
(reason NOT to offer) Business can’t afford it.
(reason NOT to offer) Employees can’t afford their share.
(reason NOT to offer) Not needed to retain good employees.
(reason NOT to offer) Setting up and funding a plan is too complicated and time consuming.
(reason NOT to offer) Plan that fits employee coverage needs doesn’t fit your coverage needs.
Approximately what percent of your employees are female?
Approximately what percent of your employees are under 30 years old?
Approximately what percent of your employees make $10.00 per hour or less, including tips and commissions?
Approximately what percent of your employees make $20.00 per hour or more, including tips and commissions?
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2003 ISSN - 1534-8326
Michael A. Morrisey University of Alabama - Birmingham