Questions - 1 to 10 of 25
Must you or your business have some type of credential or skill certification in order to operate your business as you now do? That does NOT include a basic business license or tax ID.
Where did you primarily obtain the necessary knowledge or skills in order to acquire that credential or certification? Was it from:?
Must you take continuing education-type training or courses every year or two in order to keep your credential or certification?
Do you take continuing education-type training or courses every year or two anyway?
How many business, trade or professional organizations are you or the business a member of?
Think of the ONE organization most important to you. Does it offer a business, technical or professional training or education program, one that helps you upgrade your business or professional knowledge and skills?
Is this business, technical or professional education or training program the only reason for your membership in that organization, a very important reason, a reason, not an important reason, or not a reason for your membership?
Does this organization offer a credential or certification?
In the last 12 months did you attend a convention or trade show sponsored by this organization?
In the last 12 months did you attend a convention or trade show on a business-related topic sponsored by any OTHER business organization, private group, or governmental unit?
Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr.