Questions - 1 to 10 of 23
Is this business operated primarily from the home, including any associated structure such as a garage or a barn?
Is the business in the residence, or in a free-standing structure outside, such as an unattached garage, barn, shed, or guest house?
Approximately how many square feet of space does the business portion occupy?
How many rooms are in the business portion?
Do you deduct the portion of your home used for your business as a business expense for federal income tax purposes?
Why don’t you deduct the business portion? Is it because it’s:?
Did you or do you require special zoning or land use permission to operate your business on the premises?
Has operating your business out of your home created severe, moderate, minimal, or no legal and regulatory problems for you?
In the last three years have your neighbors complained to you frequently, occasionally, infrequently or never about problems that they think your business causes them?
Do customers and vendors routinely enter your business?
Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation