Questions - 1 to 10 of 21
Do you recall filling out an I-9 form in the last three years, that is a federal form associated with hiring new employees?
What type of picture ID do new employees most often provide you to show that they are the person they say they are?
Would you estimate that at least 90 percent of the new employees use a for picture ID?
What type of ID do new employees most often provide you to show that they are eligible to work in the United States?
Would you estimate that at least 90 percent of the new employees use a (response in Q#3) for picture ID?
Do you make photocopies of those documents and retain them?
How long do you retain the actual I-9 form? Do you retain the I-9 for as long as the person works for you, for a longer period than that, or for a shorter period than that?
In the last three years, have you experienced or strongly suspected anyone of attempting to give you false or counterfeit ID for purposes of getting hired?
A non-match letter is a letter telling you that a Social Security number you submitted with an employee’s name either does not exist or is not associated with that employee. In the last three years, has the Social Security Administration sent you a non-match letter?
(non-match letter) About how many times has that occurred in the last three years?
Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation