Questions - 1 to 10 of 31
Which BEST describes your current business situation? You:?
Did you start offering employee health insurance in the last three years OR did you offer it before then?
Though you don't offer it now, did you offer employee health insurance at any time in the last three years?
Regardless of whether you purchased it or not, did you or someone on your behalf shop for employee health insurance, either for a new or better plan, at any time in the last three years?
Since you have employee health insurance, but didn’t shop for any in the last three years, did you:?
Think of the last time you shopped for employee health insurance. Who did the shopping?
In hours, about how much time did you spend shopping? For example, how many hours did you spend learning about different plans, analyzing options, making inquiries, determining employee needs, etc.? An estimate is fine.
What was the primary reason you or your business shopped? Were you or your business looking for a:?
Think of the last time you or your business shopped for employee health insurance. Did you or your business explore options for purchasing employee health insurance on the Internet?
The last time you or your business shopped, did you or your business explore options directly with a network of health care providers, such as an HMO?
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation