Questions - 1 to 10 of 22
Immediately prior to going into this business, did you work for:?
Was the business:? (type of)
Before going into your current business, about how many years had you worked in the industry of this business, OR had you never worked in the industry before?
Before going into this business, about how many years had you produced, serviced, distributed or sold the same or similar products and services as the ones you are selling now, OR had you basically not worked with them before?
Before going into this business, about how many years had you worked with the same type of customer, such as the general public, a special segment of the public, a particular industry that you now have as your primary customer, OR have you not worked with this type of customer before?
Was the last organization you worked for prior to entering this business relatively more advanced technologically, relatively less advanced technologically, or about the same technological level as this business? Would that be a lot more/lot less advanced?
Prior to this business, did you ever operate a business of your own that grossed at least $5,000?
About how many years of experience did you have managing or supervising employees before going into this business, OR didn’t you have any experience?
What was the largest number of employees that were under you at any one time?
(prior experience) Sales or marketing.
Volume 2, Issue 8, 2002 ISSN - 154-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation