Questions - 1 to 10 of 34
How concerned are you that in the next few years, your business or you as the responsible person for the business might be sued in a liability case? Are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned or not at all concerned?
Which BEST describes the reason you are concerned about the possibility of a liability suit?
Which BEST describes the reason you are not concerned about the possibility of a liability suit?
Do you believe that the liability laws properly balance the interest of those who sue others and those who defend themselves in a liability suit?
Which side does the law favor? Do you feel that way strongly or not strongly?
(time allocation compared to liability) Introducing new technologies or processes into your business
(time allocation compared to liability) Evaluating possible changes in employee wages or benefits
(time allocation compared to liability) Obtaining or repaying business loans
(time allocation compared to liability) Evaluating competitors
(time allocation compared to liability) Looking for ways to cut costs
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2002 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation