Questions - 1 to 27 of 27
Are a MAJORITY of your FULL-TIME employees salaried, hourly, commissioned including tipped or is it mixed?
Are a MAJORITY of your PART-TIME employees salaried, hourly, commissioned including tipped or is it mixed?
How do you determine if a specific employee who works more than 40 hours per week should receive overtime pay? Do you:?
Within the last five years, have you been sued or seriously threatened with a suit for allegedly not paying overtime or enough overtime?
Do your full-time employees receive periodic bonuses or profit-sharing based on performance of the business?
How many full-time employees, INCLUDING tipped employees, do you currently pay the minimum wage or less?
How many full-time TIPPED employees do you currently pay the minimum wage or less? OR don’t you have any tipped employees?
Do you have full-time employees who have been employed for at least a year?
(benefit) Paid vacations.
(benefit) Paid sick leave.
(benefit) Disability insurance.
(benefit) Life insurance.
(benefit) Health insurance.
Was there an implied tie-in between your purchase of health and life insurance, that is to say, you couldn't purchase health insurance under the terms you did without also purchasing life insurance?
(benefit) Dental Insurance.
(benefit) A pension plan.
(benefit) Job-related education reimbursement.
(benefit) Paid jury duty.
(benefit) A cafeteria-type plan that allows each employee to spend the dollars allocated for benefits on his or her preferred mix of benefits.
(benefit) Discounted or free goods or services from your business.
About how much is this benefit worth to the typical full-time employee on an annual basis?
(benefit) Flexible working hours when personal situations arise, such as having to attend a funeral or picking up a child stranded at school.
Do you have an explicit policy for personal situations or do you handle them on a case-by-case basis?
Are your part-time employees generally eligible to receive the same benefits on a pro-rata basis as your full-time employees?
If you wanted to give your employees the equivalent of an additional $1.00 per hour, would you be most likely to give it to them in:?
If your employees were to get the equivalent of an additional $1.00 per hour, how do you think they would want the increase? Would they want the increase in:?
Who do you target for your benefit package when making decisions about the type and size of benefits you provide? Do you target:?
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2003 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr NFIB Research Foundation