Questions - 11 to 20 of 46
What was the biggest problem the disaster caused your business? Was it:?
Did that disaster force your firm to close for at least 24 hours?
How many days was it before you were up and at least partially operating?
How many days was it before you were fully up and operating?
In hindsight, were you adequately insured, under-insured, or not insured for the sales lost while you could not operate?
In dollars, approximately how much physical damage did your business property suffer as a result of the disaster?
In hindsight, were you adequately insured, under-insured, or not insured for the physical damage done while you could not operate?
In the last three years, has your business been damaged by man-made disasters, such as civil disorders, terrorism, arson and so forth?
What type of man-made disaster was it?
In the last three years, has your business been damaged, including lost sales, by economic disruptions such as road construction or repair, urban renewal and so forth?
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2004 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation