Questions - 11 to 20 of 24
How long has this plan been in existence?
Do you personally participate in the plan?
Do you expect that the retirement benefits you eventually receive from the plan will constitute all, most, some, or a little of your retirement income?
Does your business sponsor a health insurance program for at least some of your employees?
Which benefit did you institute first, health insurance or a pension plan?
If you were to sponsor a health insurance plan or a pension plan, which would you introduce first?
Do you expect Social Security retirement benefits will constitute all, most, some, a little, or none of your retirement income?
Do you expect that all, most, some, a little, or none of your retirement income will come from a pension earned in an organization unrelated to this business, such as another firm, government, or military?
Do you expect that all, most, some, a little, or none of your retirement income will come from savings and investments that are unrelated to a formal pension plan or the sale of this business?
Do you expect that all, most, some, a little or none of your retirement income after retirement age will come from employment or a job unrelated to this business?
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation