Questions - 1 to 10 of 29
What is the most likely step that you would take to pay for this 5 percent payroll cost increase? Would you:?
What is the most likely step that you would take to pay for this 15 percent payroll cost increase? Would you:?
What is the most likely step that you would take to pay for this cost increase? Would you:?
How likely is it that you would borrow or draw down on an existing line of credit to ease adjustment to these higher costs? Is it:?
What is the most likely step that you would take to pay for this 15 percent payroll cost increase that begins next week? Would you:?
Approximately what percent of your total business expenses consists of payroll, i.e., the cost of wages and benefits? Would you estimate that your payroll constitutes ______ of total business expenses?
How difficult is it for you currently to attract and keep qualified employees? Is it currently _____ to attract and keep qualified employees?
What is the most likely step that you would take to pay for this 5 percent physical facilities cost increase? Would you:?
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2001 ISSN - 1534-8326
William J. Dennis, Jr. NFIB Research Foundation